For anyone who missed my Thanksgiving post we made this unusual and delicious black walnut ice cream for dessert.

Black walnuts are a very unique nut that many people don’t know about. They are a Native American nut that have an incredibly hard shell. They taste very different from a traditional walnut with complex fruity undertones. Black walnuts smell like frozen blueberries to me, which is always a good things. If your grocery store doesn’t carry black walnuts try buying them online here. Black walnuts are low in saturated fats, and high in all the right things like unsaturated fats and many minerals and vitamins.

So next time you’re in charge of desserts and want to whip up something a little more creative give this recipe a whirl. It is incredibly simple, although it does use an ice cream maker. If you don’t have an ice cream maker you can put the mixture in a bowl in the freezer until partly frozen, remove the mixture and beat with a hand mixer for a few minutes, continue to freeze until desired consistency is reached.

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