You know when you open the fridge door, stare for a few moments and close it? Then five minutes later…. Open the fridge door. Maybe move some things around this time. Close it. Then 10 minutes later open the fridge door. Close it. Open the freezer. Close it. Back to the fridge, praying that in the last 30 seconds someone has miraculously cooked you a healthy gourmet meal and placed it on the top shelf.

Because SAME.

This happens to me when:
1. I haven’t meal planned
2. I’m really hungry
3. I have zero desire to cook


This is usually when I would go out to eat. The problem is that at this point I am already WAY past hangry. Staring at the fridge for 60 minutes has pushed me past the “I’ll have the minestrone soup with a salad, please” and into the “ give me whatever food you have and I’m not saying please.” By now I’m headed for a burrito smothered in queso or a greasy cheese pizza. These foods are lovely, but they don’t actually make my body feel good.
Over the past few years I’ve started meal planning to prevent these moments. But there are still some nights where I just really don’t feel like cooking. I’ve learned to keep a few simple things on hand for just those nights.

These 5 meals can be made in less than 15-20 minutes and take minimal ingredients or effort.


1. Gyozas with Stir-Fried Vegetables

[cooked-recipe id="1719"]

2. Sweet potato and Kale Grain Bowls

[cooked-recipe id="1721"]

3. Veggie Tacos

[cooked-recipe id="1722"]

4. Pasta with Spinach and Broccoli

[cooked-recipe id="1724"]

5. Mediterranean Bowl

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