7 Ways To Get Better Sleep

7 Ways To Get Better Sleep

1. Go to bed at the same time every night You know how a sleep schedule is really important for young children? Well I’ve got news for you… it’s really important for older children too– meaning you. Going to bed and waking up around the same time each day (even...
4-7-8 Breath

4-7-8 Breath

My life is rarely calm and quiet; there are deadlines to make, places to be, and things to do. At the end of one of these days I often find my thoughts still racing and my body tense. There are many different ways to cope with these sensations, and some ways are more...
20 Ways To Treat Yourself Without Chocolate

20 Ways To Treat Yourself Without Chocolate

Adulting is hard, real hard. And I know that when I’ve had one of those hard days I like to “reward” myself with a big glass of wine or piece (ok bar) of chocolate. Now don’t get me wrong, wine and chocolate certainly have their place when it...
Staying Sane and Healthy on the Road

Staying Sane and Healthy on the Road

While eating mac and cheese and s’mores by the campfire comes close to a spiritual experience for me, it isn’t exactly the best for your body (sometimes you just have to do it for your soul though). I spent the majority of the summer camping and on the...