What I Offer

Personalized integrative nutrition coaching

There can be a lot of confusion about what you should and shouldn’t eat. Sitting down with an expert can help you navigate the conflicting information and advice that’s out there. Work with me to discover nutritional imbalances, food sensitivities, the best ratio of protein/fat/carbohydrates for your body and so much more. I will help you sort out a food and supplement plan designed specifically for your needs and your lifestyle.

What is Nutritional Coaching?

As a nutritionist and dietician, I understand that you are the one driving this experience. My job is to motivate you through education, planning, and support, and to help you hold yourself accountable for your progress.


How do I Know It’s Right for Me?

  • You are ready to make some real changes in your life.
  • You understand that this is not a quick-fix program.
  • You are willing to invest in your health and well-being.
  • You are curious about the research behind nutrition, supplements, and micronutrients.
  • You want to take charge of your health and be held accountable and supported for the decisions you make.

Meal Planning

As part of my services, I am happy to help you design individualized meal plans that work best for you. However, because I want these to be lasting and sustainable changes, I do not create meal plans for you, but rather support you in creating those meal plans for yourself.  I love sharing recipes and giving you tips for cooking at home as well.

Wellness Based In Science

As a masters trained clinical nutritionist and licensed dietician nutritionist I stay up to date on the latest nutritional research.


Custom Plans

I view every client as an individual. We each have a complex relationship between what we eat and the way we feel, think, and interact with others. There is no one size fits all nutritional plan.

Coaching Services

I Help You Build Healthy Habits & Realistic Routines

Healthy habits can be difficult to form but are the foundation for well-being. Most of us have experienced making short-term changes and then falling back into old habits and routines. Without education, support, and motivation changes don’t tend to last. My approach does not require perfection, which let’s be honest, doesn’t work anyways. Congratulate yourself. Just by being here, you are already on the path to healthy change. You have already taken a step towards healthier living. My personalized approach involves supporting your internal drive, providing education and information and offering encouragement throughout this process.


Other Nutrition Guidance

Learn what else I have to offer

a simple cartoon dumbbell.

Sports Nutrition

Want to learn how to properly fuel your body? I use a whole foods approach to working with athletes across all sports. Together we will create a program so you can reach peak performance.
FREE Consultation


I believe in food first, but that supplements can be a great insurance policy. If desired, you will receive personalized supplement recommendations when working with me.
FREE Consultation

Weight Loss

We all know how hard losing weight can be. You may have been told to try a ketogenic diet, a paleo diet, or a low-fat diet. Having an expert guide you through the conflicting information and teach you how to eat for your individual body and lifestyle can be the difference between successfully losing weight and returning to old habits.
FREE Consultation

Speaking Services

Want me to speak about nutrition and health? Let’s talk!
Limited Availability

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my session last?

Your first in-depth consultation will be around 1.5 hours. After your first session, you can decide how much support you would like. Choosing anything from weekly meetings with tons of accountability to a more independent approach and checking in when needed. 

how much does a session cost?

An initial consultation costs $225.

A 40-minute follow-up visit costs $150.

Packages for multiple sessions are also available.

For more information please click here.

What can I expect if we work together?

I will work with you to meet your health goals, increase energy, lose weight, lower inflammation, and overall optimize your health. I will help support you with goal setting and staying accountable. When working together you will receive nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations tailored to meet your specific needs. 

will my insurance cover this visit?

I do not participate with any insurance companies. I accept credit cards or cash for consultations. I am happy to give you a receipt of services in order to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Do you work with children?

Absolutely! Whether you are looking for nutritional support for a child with ADD, allergies, or a picky eater I can help.

How many follow-up visits will i need?

This will depend on your individual needs. Some clients looking to lose weight or combat a specific ailment should expect to come every 1-2 weeks for 3 months. Clients looking for general health and well-being may only need 2-3 sessions. As the focus moves towards maintaining wellness, clients can come in seasonally to learn how to care for their bodies with food. 

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